Donald Trump Jr: Blockchain Technology
Make News Credible Again by Marcus Giavanni
Published Dec 13, 2020 1:36 AM | Updated; Dec 13, 2020 1:09 PM by Google My Business "Developer Blockchain Authority" | #donaldjtrumpjr Hashtag ID | @donaldjtrumpjr Social Location Sign Verified | "About" | "Donald Trump Jr. Blockchain Technology" Make News "Credible" Story | Original | “Donald Trump Jr. Joins Collective Using Blockchain Technology to Make News Credible Again” Source "Cision Pr Newswire" Verified | #overlinemediapartners Hashtag ID | "Overline Media Partners" Late Conversation "Ownership | Google "Conversation Blocks" Blockchain "Developer Marcus Giavanni" GP7A "News" Source Google "Search" |About "Don Jr" or #donjr | CredibilityRelevanceWisdom Verified | #realdonaldtrump
Cision Pr Newswire: #donaldjtrumpjr – “Donald Trump Jr. Joins Collective Using Blockchain Technology to Make News Credible Again Trump Jr Blockchain Technology News Credible Again. Overline believes that by using Bitcoin; as a reward system for viewers. Is Overline, talking about the 2014 Social Credit system Scores and Rankings 2021”.” Who is Marcus Giavanni; uses Conversation Blocks with Artificial Intelligence”.
Google My Business Developer Blockchain Authority Marcus Giavanni is the top leader in Developing Conversation Blocks, with Hashtag Identifiers, Social Location Identifiers, to scrub for fake, bias, and liars of individuals, and entities, who upload content to Google. Then, this Google Content is then patterned matched to stories, images, videos, maps, shopping, etc.
The internet changed on January 1, 2020 by Marcus Giavanni. And will change again on January 1, 2021 for the betterment of a Digital Society so we may all Coexist. Bring out verified truth content, over fake bias liars’ content.
We call this the Media Armageddon 2021 by Marcus Giavanni. Since 2014 we have seen a lot of media and their surrogates posing as (Authors – Writers – Contributors – Advertisers – Sponsors – Partners). What these big media and social networks have not realized. That 2020 was the year of launch, and massive data dumps all over the world. To free up cloud space for the new content for the years 2020 to 2030.
Since 2014, the internet was all the buzz on the massive digital indexing everyone, everything, everywhere; 24 hours, 7 days a week.
To lead us to our final destination of an internet we can trust. We Believe in, and use the verified content for real life applications, to find answers to questions that first responders, scientists, educators, doctors, lawyers, research, medical, technology, students, and others looking for the truth, and not fake bias liars; whom have all came out of the closet.
This mass exodus of the now, identified media, and their surrogates, posing as (Authors – Writers – Contributors – Advertisers – Sponsors – Partners). Who have all participated or help push, write, tell, place; fake bias lying content, narratives, to the open public. As Professional Standards of Journalism and Ethics driven Media outlets; Publishing, Broadcasting, and Streaming.
This fake bias lying content by Fake Biased Liars. Will no longer be the content of choice by real people identified, by indexing conversations. For those who watch Cable or Digital TV antenna, who want honest news programing. And the same holds true for radio broadcasting FCC regulated stations, and streaming Internet. Is not yet regulated, but since it is sent VOIP, its covered under a lot of other Federal Jurisdictions, State and City jurisdictions, and all Law Enforcement. Working closely with your internet provider, and cell phone service provider and all node connections in between.
Go watch the Enemy of the State. We are in those times, and then some!
Now, what we say, what we do, where we go, with whom. And continuing to index on what we’re doing, talking about, when we get there. This is for Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, will be scored and ranked; based off their talking, and does it match their actions?
They say the best time to plant a conversation is 20 years ago.
In other words: Donald J. Trump Jr. Joins Collective Using Blockchain Technology to Make News Credible Again by rewards of bitcoins. This is the first time Donald J. Trump Jr has joined this Blockchain Technology Conversation was on Dec 12, 2020. And In First Stage of Media Collective, Kimberly Guilfoyle (Trump Jr. Girlfriend), Implements Blockchain-Powered Viewership Rewards. Meaning they pay people with bitcoins to read their content. This is not subscription based, this is much different. What happened to a Free Press?
Donald J. Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle are not even into the first 30 days of trying to Establish Authority Ownership of a Conversation. And the people Kimberly Guilfoyle had chosen to make up the OG1. Who said they are the best? Only advance Algorithm searches can determine. Who has absolute Authority Over the Internet Blockchain Conversations I have seen over the years where people read something, and they think they are going to reinvent the work others have done, far more than the announced experts or authorities to the Blockchain Technology (bitcoins) Making News Credible again. Is going to be hard to swallow for some, and others will just read to get paid. And its what they do after getting paid, and the conversations that follow as to the true intent of these new reader rewards.
Do you know how easy it is to do advanced algorithms to find the node connections, and the conversations, and Google Searches these folks did. To come up with this new conversation about Making News Credible Again. This reminds me of the Morning Radio shows, that give away money to loyal listeners. But the real rewards is to attract viewers or readers, based on Professional standards of Journalism. This falls under the category of Pay Press; not Free Press.
The original story about Donald Trump Jr. was from the source of Cision Pr Newswire Verified. And #overlinemediapartners Hashtag ID. Did you know Overline Media Partners are late to the conversation Ownership for now. And that the Google Conversation Blockchain Developer Marcus Giavanni is now indexing OG1. – Marcus Giavanni